Hugh Williams
Hugh presents 'Saturday Club Classics' on Saturday's 6- 8pm and 'The Souled Out Show' directly afterwards 8-10pm.
Brief background summary
I was born in Nigeria of Welsh parents then came to the UK when I was around one. I went to a “posh” school in a castle and then went to university where my speciality was Russian Social and Economic History. I have done lots of jobs but the only ones I have stuck at have involved music or education. I have lived mostly in England and Wales except for prolonged periods working around Europe as a DJ in Norway, Spain, Switzerland and Austria. I was in fact a professional DJ for many years before becoming a teacher. I now teach adults studying apprenticeships and present radio shows, produce music and ride mountain bikes..
What was your first job? Do you have a funny story about it?
My first job on leaving university was as a DJ. My favourite job would be either DJ or my current role.
What are you happiest doing when you’re not working and why?
I produce and remix in my spare time and used to own 2 studios. What makes me happiest is riding one of my mountain bikes.
What’s your absolute favourite song and why?
"Never Too Much" by Luther Vandross, because it is the best song ever!
What’s your favourite album and why?
Favourite album is Earth Wind and Fire “I Am”. It's what finally tipped me over to liking nothing but soul music
What song do you hate most and why?
I don’t really hate any songs.
Which artist/ musician alive or dead would you most like to get a coffee (whiskey etc.) with?
Luther Vandross, just to be in his company, and I would probably ask him to sing to me lol.
Tell us something no one knows about you?
I had a single in the top 40 and a remix in the top 3 (true story!)
What’s your most useless talent?
I have no talents.
What will finally break the internet?
A juggling dog riding a unicycle.
If we went to Happy Hour what would you order?
Beer, beer and more beer!
Finally - is there anything specific you want the listeners to know about you...
I am soul music mad and mountain bike MAD!
Contact Hugh